Environmental, Social, and Governance

Search Minerals is committed to effective environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. As a mining and technology company dedicated to supporting the green supply chain, modern ESG practices are closely aligned with our values. Our ESG initiatives include the following:

Health, safety, and environmental responsibility:
Through all phases of our exploration and development programs, we adhere to the highest possible standards of health, safety, and environmental protection for our employees, contractors, and the communities and environs where we work. We believe that zero accidents is an attainable goal. As Search moves forward with more active exploration and development, we strive to create and reinforce the importance of a proactive safety culture that includes environmental respect and protection at all levels.

Staff and community engagement:
We believe in engagement. This includes making time to discuss health, safety, and environmental issues with staff and public meetings involving our various stakeholder constituencies. We are committed to installing health, safety, and environmental protection programs grounded in the concepts of openly sharing best practices and lessons learned and in the use of behaviour-based assessments to track performance and encourage conscientious practice. We empower all our employees and contractors to “do the right thing” by putting health, safety, and environmental protection first in everything we do.

Corporate audit mandates:
We are committed to transparency in accounting, reporting, and sharing of information. Our corporate audit mandate is designed to ensure visibility and accountability for our board of directors, shareholders, and partners. You can find audited financial information here.